Tourism and the Labor Market

Empirical articles
Article 1 summary-Gendered Identities in the Work of Overseas Tour Reps
The work of the author is entrenched in the investigation of how work in the tourism industry is gendered. Yvonne and her fellow had there interest in the investigation of tourism employment trends concerning gender identities in the oversea countries. Though the overarching aim of the study is on the gender identity in the tourism work, a lot more important subjects are also revealed in the work. These include feminism and masculinity in the field of tourism, behavior disparities portrayed by the different workers in the industry and general male and female relationships in the developing nations. The explanation of the work identities in the tourism industry yields much significant information on how different people in the society have different perception on the tour opportunities. According to the study, its a field which is dominated by men, however, the work that they do is viewed as womens job. They further disclose the effects of feminization of the work with its effect on behavior changes for both men and women. The writer shows that feminizing of the work categories makes certain groups to be vulnerable to some behaviors risks. Females are thus seen to be at risk of sexual harassment due to feminized works of arranging for guests rests, entertainments and being friendly to them (Guerrier and Adib, 2007).

During the end of the mid of the 19 century, there has been numerous changes which has taken place allover. The developed and developing nations saw a revolution on the division of labor and work. Due to the efforts to root out the notion of mens masculinity nature, this has brought about jargon in the work specialty. With women empowerment and the conception of womens liberty to work equally like men, this has obliterated the traditions of the past generation. In this particular case, feminism and masculinity on job related matters can be viewed on the basis of personal benefits or group interest. However, like any other business, the recruitment process of workers perhaps is the main source of the feminism issues. Moreover, we cannot deny of the reality that there are certain areas where men are best suited than women, and the vice versa is equally true that women will always perform better on specific jobs than men. Thus, human resources in tourism industry have to select the suitable transport means that leads to business improvement. For instance, men can be viewed as most suited in the control of rowdy crowds, but under the authority control, both men and women would perform equally the same. The view that women work are feminized making them vulnerable to work harassment, each kind of work has its own risks. We therefore believe that the management and the control measure taken are the most important in reducing the risk vulnerability.
Article2 summary-Tourism, the Global City and the Labor Market in London

The work content in this paper deals with the labor market in the London. Its a city with extensive tourism activities. The author Church and his colleague Martin were interested in establishing the conditions of the labor market in UK. The pertinent goal in revealed in the article was to establish the influence of a global city in the labor market in connection to the tourism industry. Church and Martin developed several explanations on labor flow as the main goal of global city in the labor market. Further, they also related the flow of the labor force to other factors of production and the society. In this particular area, it was overt that they explored the working conditions and terms including remunerations, job security and other benefits or disadvantages the employees may experienced in working in global city. According to their study, tourism industry gets its labor from both local and foreigners, who are hired as either full-time or part-time employees. Their argument shows that the foreigners, who are mostly student from the poor countries, form the largest proportion of the part-time employees. Apart from this, working conditions are not favorable for the working migrant, which means the international labor transfer has influence on the local employment (Church and Frost, 2008).

The tourism industry in major metropolitan places like in the City of London has large market source of labor force. Although the industry draws workers from the local community, a considerable proportion of the labor comes from foreigner students and immigrants in the country. Despite the fact that tourism is a major contributor to the growth of the countrys economy, the working conditions and standards in the industry are alleged as being unfavorable. Furthermore, there is inequality in the industry remunerations between the foreign immigrants and those from the local communities, which is likely to affect the tourism in the area. The low payments being offered to workers discourage in their work environment. Low salary and wage payments make workers feel unmotivated, which leads to poor service delivery. As result, there is lack of customer satisfaction leading to shifting into other countries.

Trade articles

Article 1 summary- 2010- 2011 UK hotel market forecasts
The subject matter on this paper was to highlight to growth trends of the hotels with slight geographical separation in the European in the tourism industry. The authors were interested on getting an insight understanding of the performance of the   hotels in the UK provincial and those in the London parts.  In the comparison of the hoteliers performance in the two regions, London hotels will have better results within the year of 2010-2011. Whereas the London hoteliers are expected to experience a two-fold profit increment, the UK provincial hoteliers will have slight profit increase. The major determining factor on the improvement of the hoteliers performance is entrenched on the ability of the management to have a quick adaptation to changes on the fixed costs that enable revenue generation. This disparity will be attributed to the employment of the different mode of services, TrevPAR and GOPPAR. The London Hoteliers are said to embrace the former while the London Hoteliers capitalizes on the latter. Though, the management ability to shift guest into the different room would contribute a major part of the performance, external factors like increased VAT taxation and reduction on government expenditure would largely affect the Provincial Hoteliers. In addition,   its predicted that the low profits returns for the provincial Hoteliers will be as result of decreased employment opportunities. The low performance in the UK provincial hotels is a historical trend with the revival of the sector from the gradual increase in the room occupancy.  The commercial demand would decrease in London the leisure demand will show an increase (TRI Hospitality Consulting, 2010).     

The growth of London and UK as major business destination is attributed to its geographical strategic location. Its establishment has brought many benefits to the country. First, it has opened market for the locally produced goods and services. The Cities in the region acts an international market place for the neighboring countries like German, Italy among others. This is integrated with the opening of new opportunities to the local communities especially those connected to foreign trade as many countries recover from previous years financial crisis. Although three quarter of the 2009 had indicated a decrease in the hotel business demand, this was caused by the global economic down, hence, these previous last years trend on the hotel industry have less impacts on the current year performance. Furthermore, while the hotel business operational are very volatile and both London and UK being in almost same geographical region, the forecast of the performance of the hoteliers are not expected to show paralleled performance trends.

Article2 summary- Choice Hotels in Partnership with Hotel System Continues European

Expansion with Entrance into Poland by Adding Six Properties
 This is an article which explores the trade expansion of the hotel industry. Its focusing   on the growth of the Choice Hotel International as it ventures further in the global market particularly in the European market. This article discloses the entry of the company into the Poland market, whereby the expansion to the new market is their core strategy of enhancing their competition in the industry. The author of the paper focuses on the Choice Hotel International to employ the local community as the operators of the businesses. In their global hotel business, its revealed that the market audiences for their service are targeted to the tourists as well as business travelers. According to the article information, this is one of the largest hotel corporations with more than six thousand   operating hotels in 35 countries. In addition, the corporation has more than 700 other hotel projects. Their business is not based only on the hotel industry, but it has also incorporated other closely related businesses such as boutique (Hospitality Upgrade, 2010).

Beside the exploration to the hotel industry, there are numerous other factors which are revealed concerning the development of sustainable market in the state. Generally, there is need of integrating both local companies in the running of the hotel services. The integration of the two aids in the successful entry and positioning of the corporation in the new market territories. That is, through the partnering local companies in the running of the business bolstering its market.

The entry of the Choice Hotel International to Poland market has got several Advantages to the local communities. The extension of the management of the business to the local companies leads to creation of employment opportunities in the executive positions. This is important factor in the generation of the government revenues through taxation. It helps in the strengthening of the countrys economic while at the same alleviating the poverty level of the local people. The Choice Hotel International businesses operation is thus through indirect hotel service which primarily is based on property owner. The general strategy adopted is franchise which reduces or cut off the overhead costs of running the business. The most important contribution of the corporation in the industry is based on the development of different travelers and tourists brand products. This mostly comprise of lodgings, boutique centers as well as food and beverage services.

Tourism industry is very important in the development of the economy of many countries. It involves the proper management of the available resources which comprise of both natural and human factors. There are different ways in which the hospitality industry contributes to the opening of employment opportunity in a country. This includes establishment of company both locally and internationally which leads to market expansion. However, the integration of the various institutions is a major determining factor in the growth of the industry.


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