Cultural Tourism

Indigenous tourism has blossomed in Australia especially among the Australian Aboriginal culture. This culture is thought to be the oldest surviving culture in the world today and can be backdated to more than fifty thousands years of existence. Tourists across the world have begun to appreciate the unique pleasure of exploring this culture and the related lifestyles through the Aboriginal tours in Australia. Cultural tourism has gained popularity in other parts of the world where tourists jets in from far places to have first hand experience of the indigenous cultural lifestyles with the local communities in their natural setting. In Australia, cultural tourism is one of the leading tourist attractions especially when it comes to indigenous tourism.

Problem associated with cultural tourism

Cultural tourism has come with its challenges. The indigenous groups usually participate in cultural tourism with the aim of making the necessary income to meet their economic and social needs and at the same time to reinforce their cultural identity. Nevertheless, this has posed a great challenge to the traditions and lifestyle of these people since through globalization, the indigenous people risk loosing their cultural identity and their natural resources. Cultural tourism may also lead to cultural change or loss through westernization, commodification, standardization, and monitarization. These factors contribute to cultural decay since they rid genuineness from the original culture (Siglo, 2004).


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