Stakeholders in Indigenous Australian Tourism

The major stakeholders in indigenous Australian Tourism are the indigenous people and the government. However, other stakeholders can not be wished away since the tourist industry in general, incorporates a wide range of stakeholders including the hotel industry and the various organizations which have cropped up to reap on the numerous opportunities that are associated  with the tourism industry. The involvement of the various stakeholders in indigenous tourism has been driven by various reasoning with some focused on individual gains whereas others have a genuine concern of the welfare of the indigenous people. The Aboriginal Tourism Australia for instance has been credited for having developed marketing strategies for the aboriginal tour operators (Mader, 2010). The Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources has identified tourism as a key economic driver and has resorted to working in close proximity with the tourism industry in identifying and addressing impediments to its growth and maximizing the yields. The Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) has been involved in the creation of opportunities for the indigenous communities. The tourism NWS is also doing well in marketing tourism through its publications that includes Principles for Developing Aboriginal Tourism and the Aboriginal NSW Product Manual. Such publications are meant to assist the tourism operators and the wider industry to reap on the increasing interest in experiencing the Aboriginal culture (Tourism Australia, 2008). It is therefore important to note that the stakeholders in indigenous tourism cuts across different quotas with vested interests as indicated in the few examples highlighted above.


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