Aboriginal Tourist Association

The Aboriginal Tourism Association (ATA) is an industry organization that was created by the indigenous tourist operators. ATA was preceded by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Tourism Industry Strategy of 1997. The main aim of the organization is to provide leadership and focus in regard to the development of indigenous tourism which should be in line with the indigenous economic, cultural and environmental values. ATA provides the required assistance to the indigenous communities through the various programs with the aim of lifting the capability of the tourism sector in the country. The main purpose of ATA is to ensuring that the tourism sector is well positioned to capitalize on the increasing demand by providing high quality products and services which are equally reliable and sensitive to the cultural and environmental requirements of these people. ATA runs the Respecting Our Culture (ROC) program for the tourism businesses that operate in the Indigenous Tourist Industry. This program addresses cultural and environmental issues at the same time providing protection to the land where tourism is being carried out. The operators have to seek permission from the traditional custodians for land use or they have to acknowledge the owners of the country (i.e. the natives). In general, the ATA provides an indigenous dimension in the development of tourism industry. Its involvement stretches from strategic planning to policy development that is friendly to the aboriginal people (Guiding Organization Australia Inc, 2006).


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