I consider myself eligible for a scholarship because I have continuously tried to maintain the balance between my work and my studies. I have attempted to make use of both in a manner so that I can perform optimally in both areas without completely exhausting myself.

I believe that if one continues to perform in life with a sustained degree of productivity, it becomes imperative that productivity shall increase and the desired outcome shall be acquired. I have always maintained close relationships with my family because all my attempts and hardships are for the sake of sustaining myself and my family alike. My mother has taken care of me through the hardest of times and I believe that I cannot consider myself a faithful son unless I remain with her through times when she is facing hardships.

Academically, I have managed to maintain a reasonable Grade Point Average and while it may not be one that appears to be of an exceptional magnitude, it is one that represents a sustained and steady degree of hard work combined with an intellect for smart work.

I believe that all my effort will bear me fruit and the continuity with which I exert all mu efforts shall bring me to a point where I shall no longer have to balance multiple roles to satisfy multiple responsibilities.

I am a hardworking employee and a similarly hardworking student. Proof of my belief in sustained hard work can be seen in the fact that I chose to take up the offer for a full time job when it was given to me and did not refrain from taking advantage of an opportunity where I could develop my stamina and my skills alike.

The scholarship will allow me to take care of numerous aspects of my life by giving me a relaxation in the burden that I carry on my shoulders. It will come to me in the form of the relaxation I need in my life to reinvigorate my desire to distinguish myself through sustained performance in the most difficult of times. My mothers unemployment came forth as a blow the family and brought out a side of me that I never knew existed but I am now proud of. With this scholarship, I will be able to polish and improve my abilities for performing in the most difficult of times and I believe that I will eventually evolve into a citizen who contributes to the society that has given him the honor of trusting him with their future through this scholarship. The scholarship shall allow me to move forth in the areas where I know I can excel and move on from sustained performance to extraordinary results.
I believe that I deserve the scholarship because with my tendency to make use of my skills and abilities in simultaneous areas shall allow me to make the most of it during my tenure through the scholarship.  I believe that I will be able to do justice to the scholarship if I was to be given the opportunity. The scholarship shall allow me to focus more effectively and efficiently on my goals. Currently, my concentration remains divided in light of the responsibilities on my shoulders and the extensive tasks I have at hand. With the scholarship in my hand, I will be able to develop a focused perspective towards my responsibilities to myself, my family, and my society.


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